A Message from my Owner

→ If you have more to sell than the quantities listed please PM me :)

I'm Selling
Item id Name Quantity Price (gcs)
287 Black panther fur 3000 200.00
401 Bone of Death 1 180,000.00
11 Fox Fur 14 150.00
283 Leopard fur 30 175.00
77 Puma Fur 2 350.00
1273 Rabbit token 7 3,000.00
65 Raccoon fur 16 65.00
1313 Sharp Shooter removal 1 300,000.00
64 Skunk fur 3 200.00
216 Snow Leopard fur 1000 300.00
1296 The summoner removal 2 450,000.00
72 White rabbit fur 1 72.00
466 Yarrow - Wormwood - Tulips Extract 487 500.00